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Spring 2025 Session Registration Is Closed -Next Session Starts Fall 2025


Punch Cards



5 Hour Punch Card

Punch Cards are used to skate on PRIVATE ICE BLOCKS. They are a great option when you don't want to purchase an entire block for the session because you aren't sure how much your skater will be able to come. Punch cards allow the skater to 'walk on' private ice blocks without committing a time for the entire session. With a punch card your skater can skate on any of SVFSC PRIVATE ICE BLOCKS given they are not already full. 



10 Hour Punch Card

Punch Cards are used to skate on PRIVATE ICE BLOCKS. They are a great option when you don't want to purchase an entire block for the session because you aren't sure how much your skater will be able to come. Punch cards allow the skater to 'walk on' private ice blocks without committing a time for the entire session. With a punch card your skater can skate on any of SVFSC PRIVATE ICE BLOCKS given they are not already full. 



2024 - 2025 Season 


Platinum Level - $300 and up




Gold Level - $200 - $299



Silver Level - $100 - $199



Bronze Level - $50 -$99